Saturday 31 March 2012

The lesson I've learned.

Hey :) Sorry that I have not update my blog such a long time,currently addicted to Dream High 1 so I choose to abandon my blog HAHAHAHA
Something happened in my family few days ago.Through that,finally I knew the feeling that you lost someone who is very important for you.I've learned that.You will never know what will happen on the next second.Sometimes,future seems like so near yet so far but sometimes future doesn't exists.
Be strong,life still goes on.No matter what happen,I must hold on my tears and continue my life.
Dear readers,please appreciate what you have right now.Please appreciate the people who are very important to you.Regret is useless,times won't reverse.So don't feel regret after you lost it.
Dear cousin,you'll be missed,rest in peace.Hope you'll find an angel there.