Wednesday 16 March 2011


玄彬 饰演 金周元

我看到这件运动服整个人就很傻眼啊,怎么那么亮竟然穿在玄彬身上-.-好三八啊HAHAHAHA XD 他整天在那里说:“我这个运动服可是意大利的裁缝师一针一线做出来的!”这句话重复了好多遍啊,而且他整天翻开衣领给人家看这个是名牌-.-不过动作真的好可爱好三八!
河智苑 饰演 吉罗琳
老实说她这个名字,让我想到《哈利波特》。 囧 河智苑饰演的角色简直就是帅呆了,不过那个纹身我有吓到,原来是假的-.-很帅的一个女替身,第一集帮助尹瑟的朋友抢回钱包,脚踏车飞过车子,(应该是这样,毕竟我的记忆力也不像电脑这样厉害的。)那一幕简直就是经典! 
AHHHH!这一幕也很帅,这个女替身完完全全就帅呆了!我班上的男同学也说这个女的很帅啊 ;DDD
尹相铉 饰演 崔宇英 a.k.a Oska
这个男人就饰演一名韩流歌手。(我很不顺眼他的头发-.- maggie mee? LOL!)其实我也不懂为什么这个男生会饰演一名韩流歌手,可是看久了,这个男人还算不错啦。
有看《秘密花园》的肯定很记得这一幕,因为这一幕真的够经典够好笑!想说的是,玄彬你很强大我无可否认,尖叫的表情太好笑了 XD 演绎太好了啦你!而且尹相铉一直想摸他 XD
金莎朗 饰演 尹瑟
这个女人很正点,很美啊小姐!据金周元说,身材好像是36 24 34 XDDD 笑惨我了,金周元怎么那么色?她和Oska之前是情侣,后来因为俩人误会而分手。放心,最后肯定复合的!
这个算是一个重要的角色吧(?)我自己也不清楚呵呵。我只知道他一直以来都暗恋吉罗琳。那个金周元很坏啊,趁和罗琳的灵魂对调的时候警告导演不要跟罗琳告白。当然导演也不知道那个罗琳样子的罗琳其实不是罗琳而是周元HAHAHA XD 很可恶的周元 XD
这个金秘书可能也是跟社长太多年了吧(?)性格也超级三八的,每次有他在的地方一定都很好笑!他的表情有够丰富的,而且他也和吉罗琳的室友交往,他很怕给社长知道他们交往这件事HEHEHE.应该是担心社长辞掉他的女朋友(?) XD
这个女生很可爱很可爱真的很可爱,我很喜欢她说话的语气HAHA!她就是和金秘书交往的那个女生,他们俩交往的时候很好笑啊 XD 三八+三八=超三八 HAHAHAH XD
这一幕就是解释他的衣服的来源啊什么什么的 XD 太好笑了,好像要让全世界知道他的衣服很厉害 XD
很经典的一幕仰卧起坐! X) 我看这part的时候死命尖叫就对了,太甜蜜了啦 X)
娘炮,娘炮!炮,娘!!!! T v T 玄彬你真的很卖力愿意牺牲形象 XD 太娘了啦 T v T
超经典的一幕!叫吧你们叫吧叫吧 XD 他们还真的以为kiss下去灵魂就会变回去,还真的是听童话故事听多了 XD
这一幕我也尖叫惨了,不过这一幕玄彬也是很可爱啊 XD 怎么他这个角色就是那么三八 XD 眼神交换omo我也要行不行?=3= 
这一kiss就是确定对方心意的那一个kiss啦,看完这集我爽整天hohoho XD 金周元赞啦! XD
这一幕很伤害我的眼睛-.-太伤害了,吉罗琳的灵魂你怎么可以这样刺激金周元的灵魂啦 T_T 
本人最爱的cappuccino kiss! 太浪漫了 XD 来吧尖叫尖叫尖叫尖叫!!! XDDDD
我好像真的介绍太多了,你们慢慢去看吧 :b 我也因为这部戏中毒了,搞到现在也变成玄彬的饭了 囧 玄彬啊,我会等你的 X)

Friday 4 March 2011

Birthday Party

It was Friday,Wei Qing was having a party in his house at night.In the morning we had tuition class,after the tuition class Xiao Qian rushed to my house and watched WGM and Secret Garden with me!She said Khun is adroble!*wink*At 3.30p.m Wan Lin and Zhiee Shan came my house too,they knocked the door for many times but I didn't heard got any sound in my house lol -_- they called to my phone but failed,fortunately my mom fetched my sister back from tuition class and saw them in front of my house.
We did face mask on that day!Xiao Qian bought some mask from me and I used my The Face Shop mask!HEHEHE it is kinda nice!After that we play with cosmetic stuff -.- They wanted me helped them to put on the make up.(we forgot to take picture so sorry :/)
At night,we removed our make up then attended that party.Before that we ate something in house.My mom cooked me a soup with porkball ,yes yes I long time didn't eat porkball since my dad wanted to keep fit :/
We reached there around 8.00p.m.I saw the guys were lighting up the fire for BBQ but failed.Lastly Wei Qing's mom lighted up the fire.
I just realized Ming Wei wore this shirt on that day.Go and add him lah lol -.-
And here is the girl who was prettiest on that night.
Tadaaaa!Is she Wan Lin.She looks prettiest on that day and she likes the dress so much.(so weird if BBQ wear dress,isn't?-.-)And I tell you secretly,she wore my belt :b
With Ching Yee hehehe.I look so yong sui ish ish.I cannot open my eyes,the smoke is so spicy-.-(sorry for my broken English lmao.)
See,got one sausage filled with cheese X)
Guess who is the Master of this birthday party?The black shirt or the white shirt guy?Hehe the black shirt guy can you put down the scissors?(is that scissors?-.-)The white shirt guy look so cute seriously ewwww!And I used 2 sticks to pose.You know what's mean?Mean V -.-
After finish roasted the chicken,we were having our food!I ate many bowls of laksa ohmygod.Mr Chin told us before laksa is a dirty food and it will hurts our kidney but I ate many bowls omg omg omg -.- By the way,the laksa is delicious!Wei Qing,next time bring the laksa from your house to school for me and let the laksa be my breakfast!Opps,laksa is not good to be breakfast :/
I think is time to let you see the answer.The answer is...
Taadaaa!The guy with white shirt!Wei Qing you looks so excited lmao.And ate thing please be polite laaaa! XD When he saw Wan Lin,then he saw himself and said,"I should change a nice shirt."lol -.-
Ling Jie was late on that night because she must rushed back from Sungai Petani so need to waste around 1 hours.And I saw this.
Walaoooo ni hao zi lian XD Ling Jie wore a shirt with a word leng lui omg omg I am jealous now please give me wear this shirt!In front of the shirt got a word chao.Means chao leng lui wth I WANT -.-
After we felt full,we played with those fireworks.Eng Yong so good brought those things to party hehehehe!I love to play this since I was came out from my mother stomach hehehe!
Am I looks like very excited?Yes I am,I was long time didn't play such this childish thing X)
2 of us looked at camera while 2 of them were enjoying with the fireworks -.- so no cooperate :(((
After we finish played all the fireworks,is time to blow candles!Saengil Chuckha! x) We didn't forget to take a group photo too!
We didn't rely on someone,we used self-timer to capture it and this photo look so nice!We all smile very nice right?And please find where am I,I think is easy for you all :)
The cake is delicious you know why?It is chocolate flavor!As you know,I am choco lover right? :b Lastly put a photo with Wei Qing.
I acted as a girl wanted to lick the cake omg omg omg super duper geli I know.Lol I am sampat as you know? X) Wei Qing smile so cute I like you HAHAHAHA XD
I waste almost 2 hours to manage it lol -.- Okay byebye :b